Thursday, November 15, 2012

Sweet, Sweet Adelines

My mom is in a barbershop chior. For those of you who don't know what barbershop is this is for you. Barbershop is a type of singing where the 4 parts harmonize and there is no accompaniment from musical instruments. I was in a barbershop choir when I was in high school. I loved the sound and so did my mom. I was introduced to the Sweet Adelines when I was in high school and told my mom that I thought she should join. She did and LOVES it. She keeps telling me that I need to come and join with her. Someday...hopefully I will feel like I have enough time to do that. Being a teacher which often has late night work and being in young women's eats up a lot of my free time during the week.

Anyway back to my mom. Her choir was preparing to go to their regional competition in Colorado and so they had a send off for the group where they got to practice and share their program with us. It is always fun for me to go and support my mom when she has these. It's payback for all of the times she was sitting in the audience for me when I was young. The show is always amazing and lots of fun. One of my favorite parts is watching my nieces and nephews be completely enthralled with the music.
 I love how she is sitting on the edge of her seat intently watching.
She gave them a standing ovation for every song.

These are a few pictures from the night. I wish I had an attachable flash for my camera...some day... so I apologize for the horrible lighting.

 Rockin the Y hat!

 Look at the devilish grin.
 Mom and Dad after the program. Love those shadows.
My sister-in-law and my niece. They are both so beautiful! Love you two!

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