Monday, January 25, 2010

Family Home Evening

So one thing that my hubby and I are not very good at is doing family home evening once a week. We both feel that it is a great time to sit down and learn about our savior and his plan for us. We have both struggled thinking of things that we could talk about for the lesson and then activities that we could do with just the two of us. My wonderful brother sent me a file that has a list of lessons, activites and a whole outline for an entire year of family home evening fun. It is geared towards families with children but who doesn't like going and sitting in primary and hearing the simple messages that they have? The lessons are still good and they teach the same principals that we should all be learning. If you would like a copy of this guide leave a comment on this post with your email and I would love to forward it on to you! Happy FHE to all of you:)


  1. Oh I want! Do you have may email? FHE has gotten pretty crazy with Addie, but it's a lot of fun.

  2. ME TOO!! will you email it to me? I am so bad at having FHE, maybe this would help.

  3. oh yah, email it to
